
PCOS and Cortisol and the Dying Girl

When it came to working out with PCOS, the first thing I heard was how it affects cortisol. I had no clue what cortisol was, but some YouTube and TikTok videos were very good at breaking down the concept for me. Many dieticians and people living with PCOS I followed suggested doing slow weighted workouts and nothing too high intensity as…

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From time immemorial, women have complained about not feeling heard by their healthcare providers. Unfortunately, this feeling is one that people with endocrine conditions like PCOS can relate to. PCOS encompasses a wide range of symptoms and it affects every body differently so the criteria for diagnosis often differ significantly. This coupled with the fact that there still isn’t enough research…

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Hey Insulin, Whats the Big Idea?: Why PCOS weight loss is hard

If you’ve heard one thing about PCOS it’s probably that it makes you gain weight. In fact, that’s probably the first thing your doctor told you when you got diagnosed. In my last post, I talked about how studies say that with PCOS and weight gain, one doesn’t necessarily cause the other, however, many people with this condition do find it…

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PCOS: The case of the missing periods

A lot of people will probably live the rest of their lives without hearing about or even knowing what PCOS is, despite it being the most common endocrine condition. One in ten women and people with uteruses have PCOS and up to seventy percent of us go undiagnosed. With these stats, it’s almost unbelievable that so many people don’t even know…

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Miss me with that misdiagnosis

The first time I had an ultrasound was quite the experience for me. I remember being in the gyn’s office, not sure what to expect. In hindsight, I probably should have done a little research about what it was so I wouldn’t have been so surprised, but it skipped my mind. The gyn handed me a large piece of what felt…

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Hirsutism is a funny word

Lately, I’ve been having dreams. In these dreams, I have a thick, dark, coily beard and it looks just like the hair on my head. My beard even connects; all the way from the sides of my face and remaining thick to my chin. In my dreams I am stroking it, bewildered. I’m in awe at the sudden facial hair but…

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Losing Perspective

They say losing just 10% of your body weight can make a huge difference in reducing PCOS symptoms. That sounded easy enough to me when I set out to lose weight last year. I started by doing an internet deep-dive, furiously noting every single PCOS weight loss tip from tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube. I filled all my spare hours by researching…

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A Hard Pill To Swallow

PCOS can be incredibly confusing for a lot of people; from understanding what it even is, to accepting the condition and trying to learn to manage the symptoms. When I first got diagnosed, I remember asking the doctor, “what can I do to treat this?” I wanted to know if there was a cure, if I could just pop to the…

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Cease and De-Cyst

Having a cyst burst is not something I expected to happen to me before it did. I didn’t even know it was possible till I experienced it first-hand. The first time I was seventeen and alone, the pandemic had just started and the whole world was on lockdown. Everyone had moved out of my university accommodation, but I couldn’t because flights…

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