Hirsutism is a funny word

Lately, I’ve been having dreams. In these dreams, I have a thick, dark, coily beard and it looks just like the hair on my head. My beard even connects; all the way from the sides of my face and remaining thick to my chin. In my dreams I am stroking it, bewildered. I’m in awe…

Losing Perspective

They say losing just 10% of your body weight can make a huge difference in reducing PCOS symptoms. That sounded easy enough to me when I set out to lose weight last year. I started by doing an internet deep-dive, furiously noting every single PCOS weight loss tip from tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube. I filled…

A Hard Pill To Swallow

PCOS can be incredibly confusing for a lot of people; from understanding what it even is, to accepting the condition and trying to learn to manage the symptoms. When I first got diagnosed, I remember asking the doctor, “what can I do to treat this?” I wanted to know if there was a cure, if…

Cease and De-Cyst

Having a cyst burst is not something I expected to happen to me before it did. I didn’t even know it was possible till I experienced it first-hand. The first time I was seventeen and alone, the pandemic had just started and the whole world was on lockdown. Everyone had moved out of my university…